Recreation and Tourism
We support recreation and tourism by promoting, supporting, and utilizing recreation opportunities to foster connection and engagement between natural resources and the community, as well as an avenue for education and economic development.
The Coalition is focusing on developing trail-relevant narratives for popular trails in Baker County. Our pilot is narrative for the Hoffer Lakes Trail that is easily accessed from the Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort parking lot. The aim is to provide a brochure that describes the natural, geological, and cultural histories linked to the trail. The information will be provided in print and online versions. A working draft was prepared by the 2020 BRC interns.
A working group has been established involving the following Coalition members (Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort, the Oregon Trail Historic Trust, and Go Wild: American Adventures) to finalize the graphic design, including text, map and pictures, and a budget to print the brochure and post the content in a downloadable format for use on smart phones and tablets.
Nature Hikes
2021 Interns shared their knowledge with elementary students on a beautiful and informative nature hike. The interns presented information learned about tree species to students from BTI and 5J Baker school district. They hiked around Anthony Lakes and identified trees and shared valuable information learned through the internship.

Our Projects
WWNF Hoffer Lake Trail Interpretation

Initial planning for an interpretation of the natural, geological and cultural history associated with the trail has begun. Based on a 1963 brochure on the glacial activity that has formed the basin the trail ascends inspired the present effort. The interpretive brochure was finalized in 2020 with a GPS-based map, designated stations along the trail, with information on the vegetation, animal sign, geological activity and the history of the trail.
Recreation Resources
Oregon Trail Historic Trust