Wildfire Preparedness
Some rural properties in Baker County have been designated "Wildland Urban Interface" (WUI). Landowners in WUI areas are required to meet management standards designed to reduce wildfire risk. The east face of the Elkhorn Mountains above Baker Valley is one of those areas designated WUI.
We encourage wildfire awareness, preparedness, and adaptation by preparing individuals, families, homes, and properties for the realities of fire through education and outreach, supporting Firewise Community development, and assisting with fire risk reduction projects and associated efforts.
Wildfire Risk Reduction
High-Risk Tree Management
2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 Interns learned how to properly evaluate wooded areas and remove fire-risk trees, regenerate trees, thickets, and bushes. They pruned trees to 2-3 feet on saplings and 6-8 feet on mature trees to ensure that fire was less likely to burn the crown of the trees. Interns removed down woody material and organized it into burn piles. On the last week of the internship they went back to each property and chipped the woody materials. They learned how to protect their communities from dangerous natural hazards.

Fuel Reduction
2021 and 2022 Interns cleared out regeneration trees that covered the Anthony Lakes Ski resort. This helped manage fire danger as well as provide a service to the community. Bolstering tourism and recreation is a huge benefit to our organization.