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Who We Are

We are a community-based Coalition committed to addressing natural resource-related interests and needs of our county’s citizens. We are committed to promoting informed management and sustainable use of our natural resources, responding to these interests and needs, with a strong emphasis on developing and providing non-traditional education and outdoor learning experiences.   


The Coalition comprises institutions, agencies and landowners who share a common vision - to promote management and sustainable use of our county's natural resources in support of the county's economic development.  We are not a legal institution.  We rely on Coalition members to manage funds earmarked for Coalition activities and provide other services needed to undertake those activities, such as employing summer interns. All activities are agreed upon by the Coalition Steering Committee, which is made up of representatives from each of the Coalitions Collaborators.  


All meetings of the Steering Committee are open to anyone wishing to attend.  Copies of meeting agendas and our record of decisions are available upon request. Requests can be made through our contact form located at the bottom of this page.

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